Stanford Eventbrite
Ticket sales through Eventbrite are fast, easy, and convenient. Thanks to a special partnership between SSE and Eventbrite, VSOs receive a discount on normal Eventbrite rates and get ticket revenue deposited directly into their VSO account. We’ve sold thousands of tickets to events like yours through Eventbrite, and we’re excited to set you up with the full power of a platform that has sold hundreds of millions of tickets. You must indicate in your CardinalEngage event registration if you want to use Eventbrite.

How much does Eventbrite cost?
Eventbrite charges 3.5% of the ticket price + $0.99 per ticket sold. This is a rate savings of 2% compared with normal Eventbrite rates. You can choose to hide this service fee in the ticket's amount (so it looks like one final price to the customer), or list the service fee separately. In addition, SSE will take 2.0% out of the Eventbrite payout for your event. This is to cover the administrative costs we incur as we set-up Student Organization accounts and coordinate with various University entities. The breakdown is as follows:
- Eventbrite Service Fee: 0.5% of face value (1.5% charged to customer and 1.0% given back to you!)
- Eventbrite Ticket Fee: $0.99 per ticket sold
- Credit Card Processing: 3.0% in the United States, 3.5% outside the United States
- SSE Service Fee: 2.0% charged on Total Eventbrite Net Payout (The payout amount you see on your Eventbrite Event page)
- Total: 3.5% + $0.99 to Eventbrite and 2.0% to SSE
- Note: If your ticket is free, you will have no service fees.
How quickly can I use Eventbrite?
You must first submit an event and have it approved. Then submit your Eventbrite request (click the above links to submit the form). Once your event has been approved, please allow 3-5 business days for the Eventbrite request to be reviewed and approved by SSE.
How quickly can I get my money?
You will typically receive your money within 10 business days of your event ending, but if that's too long, SSE offers a loan program. You can contact the SSE Eventbrite Manager at for more information regarding the loan program.
How much control do I have over my event?
You have most control over your event. You can set your ticket prices, change your content, refund orders, give away free tickets; provided you follow university policy and guidelines for events.
How do I check people in for my event?
Usually, people will print their tickets at home or use the free Eventbrite app to show you their ticket at the door. You can use the Eventbrite Event Manager app to check in each ticket on a smartphone or tablet. If you would like to consider using Eventbrite card readers, please contact OSE at with that request.
Where do I find my ASSU group number?
Your group's Financial Officer or President can find the 4-digit group number when they login to GrantEd. You can find it by clicking on the "My Roles" tab to the left of your SUNet tab in the upper right hand corner as soon as you login.
Why can't I just set up my own event?
Eventbrite will report any money collected from an event to the IRS using whatever Social Security number is associated with the account. To prevent event planners from paying personal taxes on the proceeds from events registered with personal information, ASSU/SSE uses its own tax ID. You also will receive discounted pricing by using this service.
Can I use Eventbrite through SSE if I have already used my SUNetID for a non-Stanford related event?
No, you will have to change your email in your existing account to a non-Stanford email address before we can proceed to set up Eventbrite access for your Stanford related event.
How much support do I have?
Eventbrite has an excellent help portal, and we have dedicated support staff from Eventbrite who can help you set up complicated, high-profile, or particularly large events. Contact SSE Eventbrite Manager if you have any questions or if you're wondering how Eventbrite can work for you.
Who can I contact for more information?
Contact the SSE Eventbrite Manager at with any questions.