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Event Planning Guide

Overnight Guests

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Prior approval is required for all student organizations hoping to host overnight guests in campus residences.  Any invited non-Stanford guest hosted by a student organization is not permitted to stay overnight in a campus residence without prior approval from Office of Student Engagement, Housing and Residential Education. Promotion of the program cannot begin until it has received approval from the university.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


Event Planning Guidelines

Recognized student organizations have the privilege of sponsoring events in the name of Stanford provided that they follow university policy, stay true to their approved mission and scope and work in close coordination with the university. 

Expectations Include

For Sponsoring Organization

  • Thorough Program Plan Required. A detailed written plan must be submitted to OSE at least eight weeks in advance. The plan should include a "day to day" schedule of all activities.
  • Five Night Maximum. Permission is only granted for five consecutive nights or less, as stated on Stanford's Residence Agreement.  Switching roommates to extend stay is not permitted.  
  • One guest per resident is permitted in the dorm, with no more than two guests per room. 
  • Longer Stays Must be Hosted Off-campus. Programs longer than five nights in duration will need to seek off-campus housing arrangements (e.g. a local hostel, motel, or hotel). Off-campus programs still need to be registered with OSE.
  • University Approval Required Before Promotion. Office of Student Engagement, Residential Education and Student Housing must all review and approve plan prior to any and all promotion.
  • Identification of all Guests Required. An identification badge for every guest, indicating name of guest and program name is required and must be shown, if questioned.
  • Damage Fees will be Charged to Sponsor. Damage of any kind by the guest on-campus will be billed to the student organization and must be paid promptly. 
  • Four Week Deadline. All roommates and Res Ed staff, including Resident Fellows of impacted communities should be notified via e-mail at least four weeks prior to the program. Send the following information in a spreadsheet to OSE and OSE will connect: 1) host first and last name, 2) host SUID #,  3) roommate first and last name, 4) roommate SUID #, 5) residence and room number. 
  • Guest Conduct, Emergencies etc. The sponsoring student organization will be responsible for any issues that may arise on or off-campus associated directly with the program.
  • Background Checks. If you are hosting minors, two program coordinators from VSO should be background checked. 

For Dorm Hosts

  • Key and Card Access is Not Permitted. Hosts are responsible for their guest's entry into and out of  the building.
  • Host Bears Responsibility. The host is responsible for the guest the entire time on-campus and all scheduled off-campus activities.
  • Minors Cannot Host. No one under the age of 18 is permitted to host an overnight guest.
  • If you are hostings minors, every host needs to be background checked
  • Roommates Must be Notified in Advance. The host is responsible for requesting early permission from any roommate and notifying them of expectations in writing no later than four weeks prior to the program. 

For Guests

  • Follow University Policy. All non-Stanford guests are expected to abide by the Residence Agreement.
  • Auditing Classes is Not Permitted. Non-Stanford guests are not permitted to audit classes during their visit although faculty are welcome to be invited to come speak at the program.
  • Proof of Current Medical Insurance is required for all guests visiting Stanford overnight, no later than two weeks prior to the program. For international visitors (provided your program has approval to allow international guests) insurance should be provided meet general requirements for U.S. universities including ones that meet Stanford’s minimum requirements. Two possibilities are: ISO Insurance and International Student and Scholar Health Insurance.
  • University Waiver Required. All approved guests must sign a General Stanford University waiver, no later than two weeks prior to the program.
  • Emergency Contact and Medical Information Form required. 
  • Minors. Anyone under the age of 18 who is staying on campus must have a signature by the parents and/or guardian prior to coming to campus. Minors are only permitted to stay in housing separate from Stanford students between Friday–Sunday, must be co-sponsored and managed by a campus department, may only visit for a thoughtfully planned enrichment program and may not be traveling internationally. Must follow all steps related to youth programs. 
Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


  1. Eight weeks in advance. Submit an event registration with all details. If so desired, send OSE advisor an additional proposal.
  2. University staff from Student Housing, Residential Education and Office of Student Engagement will review the proposal.The university-wide committee will approve, call for a meeting or reject the proposal based on the information provided by the student organization.
  3. The leadership of the student organization, whose programs are requesting to have non-Stanford guests that are minors, under the age of 18, will need to go through additional training.
  4. Four weeks in advance. Have names of all participants
  5. Four weeks in advance. The dorm host information at least four weeks in advance: 1) host first and last name, 2) host SUID #,  3) roommate first and last name, 4) roommate SUID #, 5) residence and room number. 
  6. Ensure that VSO collects all papework

*For details on these steps, see each section above

Main Quad architectural details, 2023. Credit: Micaela Go