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Event Planning Guide

Academic Schedule

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Policy Details

Most student organization events should be held during the academic year. Events should not be held during the academic week (M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) because they compete with class time and classroom space (classrooms cannot be reserved for any event beyond classes M-F, before 6:00 p.m.). For the first two weeks of the quarter, the Registrar cannot honor any request made for a classroom on Monday-Friday, before 6:00 p.m. Instead, consider a non-academic space, such as Tresidder Union, community centers, or similar spaces for your event. Additionally, there are restrictions on events during the end of the academic quarter. For additional information, please see OSE's Planning Calendar for specific restricted dates and the university's academic schedule.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Event Planning Guidelines

Recognized student organizations have the privilege of sponsoring events in the name of Stanford provided that they follow university policy, stay true to their approved mission and scope and work in close coordination with the university. 

Related Policies and Resources

Main Quad architectural details, 2023. Credit: Micaela Go