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Event Planning Guide

Entrance Requirements

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Policy Details

All student organization events and meetings are considered to be public events unless declared "SUID Only", "Invitation Only", or "Member Only" at the time the facility is reserved and the event is approved. In all cases, student events open to the public must be targeted primarily at a student audience.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Event Planning Guidelines

Recognized student organizations have the privilege of sponsoring events in the name of Stanford provided that they follow university policy, stay true to their approved mission and scope and work in close coordination with the university. 

Event Types

  • "public event" is defined as one open to all those who wish to attend, including the members of the general public and the press.
  • "Stanford Only" or "SUID Only" event is open to all members of the campus community, including campus press.
  • "Invitation Only" events must have a guest list. They must not be advertised broadly.
  • "Member Only" events may be restricted to an organization's existing member roster. They must not be advertised broadly.

In terms of a media presence, off-campus media are permitted at public events and on-campus media are permitted at "Stanford Only" events. In all cases, the sponsor may request the media identify themselves at the outset, so that others present know their comments could recorded.

Main Quad architectural details, 2023. Credit: Micaela Go