Advertising and Publicity
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Policy Details
- Advertising cannot occur until the event has been approved and the facility has been confirmed.
- All publicity materials must clearly identify the on-campus sponsor.
- The name of the campus sponsor must be the most prominent copy.
- Any off-campus sponsor must be approved in the advance and should be included in smaller type and in a less prominent spot.
- All marketing materials for events, especially public events should have a statement about how to request accommodations. The following statement should be used: If you need a disability-related accommodation or wheelchair access information, please contact: Sheila Sanchez/Diversity and Access Office at (650) 725-0326 or email: Requests should be made by _____ (date usually at least one week in advance of the event)

- Campus kiosks.
- Bulletin boards in or outside that are posted for general posting. Please note that many departments do not permit unrelated materials on their bulletin boards.
- The sides of the blocks in White Plaza.
- Postings that comply with the Posters, Banners and Chalking policy.
Not Permissible
- Banners hung on building walls (including Hoover Tower) or between trees.
- Flyers posted on building doors, building windows, campus street signs, trees, trash cans, or paved walking surfaces.
- Flyers taped to the ground in White Plaza or anywhere else on campus.
- Flyers posted in the residences that are not in compliance with the residence's posting policy.

Related Policies and Resources
Related Resources
Some good online publicity resources:
- Events at Stanford
- Graduate Student Council (GSC) Events
- Stanford ARTS Events
- Stanford Medical Student Association (SMSA) Events
Related Policies
- Posters, Banners and Chalking Policies, Freedom of Expression
- Sponsorship, Office of Special Events and Protocol