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Event Planning Guide

International Visitors

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Policy Details

Student organizations may invite a limited number of international college students to pre-existing events, provided that a detailed and written event plan is reviewed and approved by the university. Planning must occur well in advance and follow a number of guidelines. 

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Event Planning Guidelines

Recognized student organizations have the privilege of sponsoring events in the name of Stanford provided that they follow university policy, stay true to their approved mission and scope and work in close coordination with the university. 


  • ​All such student organization events must be central to the mission of the recognized student organization and the university and have a strong educational component, including written educational goals and a curriculum.
  • Events may not be longer than five (5) days in duration.
  • On-campus housing within the campus residences is possible for up to six (6) nights, but only with prior OSE, ResEd and Housing approval. See Overnight Guest Policy.
  • Events may only be sponsored during a few pre-identified windows that complement the university’s academic calendar: 1) a weekend that does not fall during end of the quarter period or finals, 2) Spring Break or 3) the first two weeks of winter and spring quarters.  Summer scheduling is also a possibility but must be coordinated with the Conference Office or Summer Session and have an active departmental sponsor that is involved in planning and oversight.
  • All international participants must be currently enrolled college students.
  • All international participants must provide proof of international medical insurance and must sign Stanford University waivers.
  • A limited number of participants are permitted, with a limit of 5% of the total participant pool or 40 students, whichever is less.
  • University or ASSU funds are not intended to offset the travel costs for international travel costs of event participants, although funds raised from off-campus sources are possible with a well-constructed plan and budget submitted a minimum of three months in advance, since this funding takes considerable time and energy to raise. 
  • Fees for international student participation may not be designed to raise extra revenue.
  • Unfortunately, Stanford cannot be responsible for any VISA arrangements or support.
Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


  • Three months in advance. A detailed program plan that includes the educational program and budget must be presented to the university for review, along with any anticipated promotional materials. All plans will be reviewed by a group of relevant staff for review and approval.
  • One month in advance. Prior to event confirmation and no later than one in advance, you must receive proof of medical insurance and a signed university waiver for any international participant. 
  • Three weeks in advance. If you wish to have international students stay in the residences, a list of all program hosts must be submitted to Residential Education for review and approval.
  • Six weeks after event conclusion. A written assessment of the program must be completed and submitted to Office of Student Engagement.
Main Quad architectural details, 2023. Credit: Micaela Go