Application Process & Additional Information
Read the steps in submitting an application along with important notes and suggestions.

The New VSO application closes on January 31, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
The Application Process
Step 1: Develop Your Initial Idea
Consider the following questions:
- What do we want the organization to do? Here a specific and clear scope is important.
- What would be the mission and purpose of the org?
- What activities would further that purpose? Describe your hopes for activities in a realistic way.
- How would we garner the necessary resources to support these activities? Consider funds, space and staff support and oversight.
- Why would current and future Stanford students want to be a part of this organization? Your proposal needs to demonstrate a commitment and interest beyond your own.
- Review the Criteria for New Student Orgs
Step 2: Review Information and Policies About Student Orgs
Understanding pertinent university policies and guidelines is important before you submit your application. See a complete list of applicable policies.
Step 3: Meet with an OSE Intern
Organizations are encouraged to receive feedback early in its creation. Seek advice early and often.
- We encourage you to visit OSE Office Hours (Wednesdays, 12-3 PM in Old Union Suite 206).
- If there is sufficient time you can also share your draft proposal with an OSE Intern for feedback before you apply.
Step 4: Submit a New Student Organization Application
Carefully consider the questions on the application. The quality and clarity of your application matters.
- The application can be accessed on CardinalEngage.
- Applications will not be reviewed until after that quarter's deadline.
Submit Application (CardinalEngage login required)
Step 5: New Org Approval Phase 1
Applications will be reviewed by the OSE Organization Review Committee after the deadline and notifications follow the annual calendar, above.
- Once you submit your application it is reviewed first by OSE staff and then the Org Review Committee.
- After the initial staff review you may be asked to provide additional information prior to the committee review.
- The final decision is made by the Org Review Committee, a body comprised of ASSU leaders representing the Undergraduate Senate and GSC as well as OSE Interns. Staff representatives include staff with advising responsibilities for student organizations and such as reps from Haas, Athletics, OSE, and other departments.
- The committee may decide at this stage that the application does not meet criteria for approval. If such is the case, the individuals who applied will be sent a letter with feedback regarding their application. New org proposals that receive preliminary approval will proceed to Step 6.
- Groups that are denied may reapply the following year or appeal to the Office of Student Engagement asking for reconsideration. Groups interested in appealing should reach out to OSE to gain access to the appeal form. Appeal forms must be submitted by Monday, April 29, 2024 in CardinalEngage. Appeals are reviewed by the Senior Director of the Office of Student Engagement. Appeal decisions are final for that year.
Step 6: New Org Approval Phase 2
Based on the review committee's decision, you will be notified of the status of your proposal.
- If your application is granted preliminary approval status, you must complete the recognition process (see below) by the deadline in the approval notification; otherwise, you will not receive University recognition and will be unable to access University resources.
- A final approval letter will be sent following the completion of this step.

Application Notes
- Applications will not be reviewed until after each quarter's deadline.
- Until approval is received, use of the Stanford name, event planning, public meetings and fundraising is not permitted. Such activity could jeopardize the status of your application.
- Your work must be 100% completed by the deadline in order to be fully approved as an organization.
- New organizations will be on probation for one year.
- Groups requiring significant university resources including faculty/staff time, space, funding (in excess of $10,000) and specific university oversight may be asked to do additional work before an application can be accepted. This may include the completion of a small prototype, preparation of a realistic and detailed budget, and commitment of a university advisor.
- See OSE Interns early so they can assist you with your application.
- All ten founding members must complete an "agreement statement" form during the New Org process, which you will be responsible for distributing.

Important Notes
You should have an idea or proposal that:
- Is of general appeal to the student body. Does not duplicate existing student orgs and their programs nor other university services and departments. Collaboration with existing groups is our highest priority.
- Supports the educational mission of the university and meets its policies and procedures.
- Includes a plan that ensures the sustainability of your org for a period of three years or more, including an already committed group of students who is interested in supporting your activity over time.
- Includes a thoughtful and reasonable budget that is within the scope of the financial resources of the university and ASSU. A realistic funding plan is a key component of your ability to be sustainable and cannot be dependent on siginficant off-campus fundraising, see policy.
- All ten founding members will e-sign the application and agree to the abide by policies. Note: any student planning to graduate in spring cannot be a founding member.
- Due to the level of resources needed for a Club Sports group (such as space, equipment, trainer, coach and ongoing budget) we will only accept applications in fall quarter. Regardless of the time of year, interested students should seek early consultation with OSE so staff can help you develop a strong proposal.

If your organization proposal is granted preliminary approval status?
Carefully review your approval letter and ensure that all deadlines are met. Failure to meet the stated deadlines will prevent you from becoming a new organization.
Step 1: Meet with an OSE Intern
- Carefully review your approval letter and ensre that all deadlines are met.
- Draft a constitution. Your constitution must meet specific criteria; review the guide to drafting a constitution.
- Complete your profile. Your OSE Intern will grant you access to the form.
- Attend a New Leader Training which is mandatory for the org president, VP/co-president, and financial officer.
- Have your 3 authorized officers attend an ASSU Banking Workshop so you can begin applying for funding.
Step 2: Open an ASSU Bank Account
- OSE will contact SSE Banking to get an account number and set-up your bank account. Please contact OSE with questions about this process.
Step 3: One-year New Org Probation
- New student organizations are on a one-year probation and are only considered a full-fledged student organization once they have successfully completed their probationary status. During the probationary year groups are ineligible to apply for ASSU Annual Grants or off-campus fundrasing. The goal is to spend the first year developing the organization and a proven plan of activities before major resources are committed or funding sought.