Off-Campus Fundraising Guidelines
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University policy governs all off-campus fundraising activities. Student organizations must receive prior university approval prior to soliciting corporations. Approval must be requested in Spring Quarter to fundraise for the next academic year. See the corporate fundraising timeline and approval steps for more information. Orgs interested in fundraising off-campus must consult with OSE prior to Spring quarter to receive proper guidance.

Fundraising Guidelines
Funding Source | Notes | Max Yearly Amount | Approval |
Local Businesses |
$2,000 | None needed. |
Corporations |
$3,000 |
Approval required prior to any contact. See checklist. |
Parent Organizations |
$3,000 | Approval required prior to any contact. Connect with your OSE advisor to review. |
Foundations & Governmental Agencies |
Not permitted. | |
Individuals (parents, alumni, friends and current students) |
Only in rare cases. |

Student Organization Expectations
Your student group must
- Be a currently recognized student group in good standing with the university.
- Have a successful history at Stanford, including sound financial management.
- Be capable of successfully executing the fundraising effort by demonstrating good pre-planning, organization and adequate lead-time. Consult with OSE prior to Spring quarter for proper guidance.
- Have previously explored funding from on-campus sources.
- Have refrained from approaching possible sources until university approval has been granted.
- Promote this activity as a charitable donation and not a business relationship. Fundraising efforts must be in line with the university’s mission and dedication to education and research.
- Be good stewards and responsible for ensuring resources are used efficiently by your organization to fulfill its mission.
- Graduate groups directly affiliated with their professional schools must consult with the professional school’s Office of Development.
- Newly recognized groups are not permitted to raise funds from off-campus sources during their first-year. Contact an OSE advisor for initial guidance if your group is interested in future fundraising.
The proposed activities and programming plan must
- Be student-led and represent the initiative of students acting independently of off-campus entities.
- Follow event planning policies and all other requirements of student activities.
- Have a detailed, realistic and frugal budget with estimates of all income and expense projections.
- Meet general reimbursement criteria, see below.

Reimbursable Expenses
It is a privilege to raise funds from off-campus sources. All funds raised must be used to directly enhance educational activities for Stanford students, be stewarded well and meet university guidelines for reasonable expenses.
Acceptable expenses
- Event planning expenses including technical services, on-campus room fees, custodial and security expenses, honoraria, modest event supplies and advertising.
- Reimbursable food and beverage costs are not intended for individual coffee or lunch dates. Fundable requests include special events provided the costs are reasonable. The allowable food and beverage maximum amount is $ 25 per person, per meal.
- Event examples: fall welcomes/orientations, year-end recognition events, banquets that have a strong educational component, community service events. faculty lunches open to all members, speaker series open to all students, conferences, hackathons, and educational retreats.
- Moderately priced retreats that have a clear educational component involving expenses with a thoughtfully planned educational program are reimbursable.
- Invited speaker gifts or member gifts should cost no more than $50 total.
- Reasonable travel expenses for plane, car rental, hotel and modest meals for attendance at a structured educational conference or competition. Expenses to visit nearby local companies or nonprofits are also acceptable. Such expenses are designed for Stanford students traveling away from campus and for a limited number of students from other colleges visiting Stanford for an approved university program. Funding the full travel costs of conference participants is not the best use of off-campus fundraising dollars, instead we suggest offering a limited number of scholarships based on financial need or other compelling criteria. In all cases, funding priority is for Stanford students.
- The majority of funds raised must be used to support the organization’s operations. A fraction of funds can be used for prize money in proportion to the scale of the event. Donors cannot fund specific event prizes, however, they can donate to your org and part of the funding can be used toward prizes.
Unacceptable expenses
- Alcohol, except for a party that has been pre-approved by OAPE and follows all university policies.
- Gifts or member giveaways of more than $50.
- Domestic or international travel that has not been approved by OSE.
- Solicitations of sources for direct funding of third party entities such as charities. The university does not permit "pass-throughs", soliciting funds for a non-Stanford entity in the name of Stanford.

- Operating Policies for Development, Stanford Admin Guide 4.3.1
- See Corporate Fundraising Approval Steps
- Checklist to request corporate fundraising approval