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Rodolfo Dirzo and Study abroad class. Credit: Andrew Brodhead /

International Travel Policies

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Limited international travel for voluntary student organizations representing Stanford University for conferences, events and competitions, will be permitted with registration and approval from the Office of Student Engagement at least a month prior to departure. Any unregistered travel will not be reimbursed by your ASSU account retroactively. Travel, in the name of your student group, must be aligned with the pre-approved scope of activities in your constitution on file with OSE in CardinalEngage. We will continue to monitor the situation, in the event we need to offer additional guidance, including travel restrictions.

International Travel Programs Sponsored Abroad. The university does not permit any student groups to sponsor new on-going international travel programs abroad because of the level of resources needed to manage them is beyond the scope of a voluntary student organization.  This means that Stanford will not approve new student group proposals that are based on any form of international travel abroad. Other Stanford groups can not sponsor international travel programs to another country unless fully vetted and approved on rare occasion.

International Travel While Representing Stanford. Students that are members of student groups and traveling to perform or compete may travel but must follow all University guidelines for international travel and actively consult with OSE prior to confirming trip (including booking of any travel). All participants must sign Stanford University waivers.

Per the International Travel Policy, Stanford student groups are prohibited to travel to countries or regions and locations within a country where International SOS risk rating (either the medical risk or travel risk) is “High” or “Extreme,” or where there is other reliable information of significant health or safety risks for either the country destination, or for the particular region or location of intended travel within the country destination, or where there is other reliable information of significant health or safety risks. A location’s International SOS medical and travel risk ratings may be found here.

The participant is responsible for

The student leader is responsible for

  • Registering your travel in CardinalEngage.
  • Collecting the Stanford University waiver from each participant prior to departure, if traveling outside the 150-mile radius.
  • Making sure that participants do not exceed the capacity of the lodging (hotel, AirBnb, etc.). Any damages will be billed to the participants.
  • Confirming the funds in your account with your financial officer prior to making any financial commitments. 
    • International travel approval will require you to budget at least a 15% contingency fund as part of your confirmed funds. 
  • Communicating clearly to traveling participants, prior to departure, who is responsible financially, the VSO or the individual traveler, that bears responsibility in covering unanticipated travel costs, including those related to medical care, visa/passport delays, etc. Stanford University or the ASSU will not cover any of these travel expenses.
    • Note: Please see Travel Requirements above for booking travel.