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How-To: Submit a Work Request

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Step 1

What Can I Request?

When planning an event, major event, or party, you'll likely need to submit work requests to ensure your guests are accommodated. The specific requests will vary depending on the nature of your event and its unique requirements.

Recognized Student Groups request custodial services most often, but our campus offers a variety of specialty providers. The most common requests include:

  • Event Cleaning
  • Outdoor Events
  • Audio / Visual
  • Equipment Rental
  • Furnishings


Step 2

How Do I Make Work Requests?

As part of your event planning duties, you will be provided guidance by your advising team or the venue managers on making the relevant work requests for your project. All student organizations must follow the financial procedures outlined by the ASSU. The procedures are:

  • Request a detailed estimate for the work request
  • Approve the estimate and create an ASSU purchase order
  • ASSU Approval

To start a custodial services work request, visit the Facilities Operations Land Buildings & Real Estate website and click on Submit a Work Request. To start an equipment or furnishings request, visit the Event Services website and click on Request Services.

Event Services Tutorial:

LBRE Facilities Operations Tutorial:

Need something other than what is listed on this page? Our University Service Providers guide outlines how to request other various support services and equipment.



Step 3

Who Pays for What?

Student organization events are Customer Funded. That means it is to be paid by the requesting party. Your student organization will have been asked to submit a Purchase Order Request through GrantEd. The ASSU will send the approved PO to the vendor. Once the vendor receives the approved PO from ASSU, your request is considered fully funded.

Your student organization must meet these requirements for your request to be approved:

  • Your organization is properly registered
  • Your Financial Officer is on the signature card
  • Your organization has sufficient funds in its ASSU account
  • You have properly reserved the location for your event with the appropriate campus office(s)
  • You have made appropriate arrangements for clean-up following your event


Planning Calendar

This planning calendar is a collaboration between the Office of Student Engagement, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Residential Education, Athletics, Recreation and Wellness, Alumni Association, Graduate Life Office, Career Education, and some other leaders to help facilitate planning for all involved (even staff). Important university or academic calendar landmarks, and holidays are included as well.