How-To: Start a New Student Organization
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The New VSO application closes on January 31, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

List of student groups via Cardinal Engage
Student Organization categories and the number of Registered Student Organizations within them:
- Academic: 52
- Student Athlete Community Groups: 9
- Residential: 82
- SMS (School of Medicine): 13
- SLS (Law School): 42
- Recreational: 12
- Media/Publications: 9
- International: 36
- GSB (Business School): 65
- Athletic: 45
- Arts: 76
- Health and Wellness: 6
- Identity: 12
- Pre-professional: 74
- Political: 11
- Fraternities & Sororities: 27
- Associated Students of Stanford University: 10
- Social Awareness: 22
- Ethnic/Cultural: 43
- Community Services: 37
- Religious: 31
List last updated as of September 25, 2024. For the latest list and to learn more about specific Registered Student Organizations, visit the official Cardinal Engage list.